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Hi there you brilliant person. I may not know you personally but I can tell you're brilliant simply because you ar here, on my website, reading this. 

My name's Susanna Ooi. A lover of books, technology and limited edition stamps. Though I may be an old soul, I do appreciate a healthy serving of heart-pounding, knuckle-whitening, breath-stealing adventure. Currently having a little dry spell on my adventure seeking but I'm seeing it as 'the calm before the storm', that soon there will be an adventure so big that i cant comprehend - all in good light of couse. 

I love to update my blog: when I have the time and if you follow me there you know I have been working hard on creating this website. My ambitions are a secret to me but I will share it soon enough.

On this website you will be mentally blanketed with book reviews, Q&A's on life's most puzzling phenomenons, (hopefully) some easy art and craft projects and (quite likely) some movie reviews. Don't question your need to contact me in any way at:

I am aware that I have chosen not to display my face in the picture but a girl never truly resistant to the chance to be protrayed in the most glamorous of fashions so stay tuned on that.

This is all new and exciting teritory, doing a website but it's finally up so... WELCOME!!

I send love and would love some of your help. As I leave for college next year, I expect to have more expenses and though taking loans are an option, let me lighten your heart and pockets by investing in a student. Thanks for reading. Bye!

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